Undocumented immigrant rally closes part of NB US-131


Part of US-131 was closed Sunday due to a march demanding access to driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants.

While the march was scheduled to be held at the intersection of 28th Street and Division Avenue in Grand Rapids, marchers moved into the northbound lanes of US-131. The Michigan State Police was called in to clear the roadway and one person was ticketed for a pedestrian being on the highway..

The march is calling for “licenses today, papers tomorrow” and demanding a vote on the Drive SAFE bills. The bills would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.

“For the last several years, undocumented immigrants in Michigan have been fighting for the basic right to drive without fear—to work, to pick up our kids from school, to live our daily lives,” said Zara Ortiz from Cosecha Michigan. “We are tired of empty promises from politicians, at the state and national level, who say they stand with us but just continue the status quo of detention, deportations, and attacks against our immigrant community. We are mobilizing today, demanding licenses today, papers tomorrow. The first step that Michigan legislators can take is to immediately advance the Drive SAFE bills to a public hearing and vote.”

Read More From ForAFreeAmerica

Marchers also called for respect, dignity and protection for undocumented immigrants.

Cosecha Michigan is part of Movimiento Cosecha, which fights for undocumented immigrants’ rights across the U.S. Other marches were organized Sunday in Boston, Massachusetts and Washington DC.

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Comments (1)

  • And So It Begins!
    Not holding out much hope for Michigan, when you have illegals demanding you take care of them it’s time to start rounding them up and shipping them back to their home country.
    They have no rights, they are not here legally and should be in a refuge encampment on the Mexican side of the border.
    Someone needs to tell them that they need to learn English if they want to get their message across. I wonder if anyone went up to ask them what the sign says if they could them them in English?

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