Chicago Democrats turn against Mayor Johnson on migrant issue: ‘We asked for it’

By Lindsay Kornick

The migrant crisis could “flip the state of Illinois purple,” local Chicago Democrats warned Mayor Brandon Johnson.

A National Review report on Monday spoke with various activists and Democratic candidates on the growing number of migrants in the city. Cook County Board of Commissioners candidate Zerlina Smith-Members was particularly vocal on public funds being used to house migrants instead of helping the homeless.

“We have people who have come here illegally, who have jumped the line,” Smith-Members said.

She also rejected Johnson’s frequent attempts to blame Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott for the migrants, noting that Chicago is a sanctuary city.

“It’s a Biden thing. It’s a [Illinois Gov. J.B.] Pritzker thing. It’s a Brandon Johnson thing. They wanted sanctuary cities,” Smith-Members said. “It’s not Abbott’s fault, because he didn’t ask for it. We asked for it.”

She added, “It’s just a lot, and it’s overwhelming.”

Peace activist Dr. Lora Chamberlain similarly pushed back on the idea that Abbott was to blame.

“What state could possibly take in millions of refugees?” she asked.

Others pointed to a growing resentment among that African-American community over the preferential treatment of migrants.

“The reality is, if you look at Chicago now, you have high unemployment rates among African-American youth in particular, you have a lack of mental-health services in Chicago, you had thousands of homeless people in Chicago already that were never, ever focused on like they are focusing on the migrants,” South Side activist Tio Hardiman said.

“I’m not against them living their lives,” Hardiman added. “It’s creating too much competition between poor people in Chicago that never, ever received this level of support. Never ever.”

Hardiman said Johnson’s policies on the issue have “really discouraged” him.

“If I was the mayor right now, I would make an executive decision to bring an end to sanctuary-city [status] in Chicago,” he added. “I would get rid of it because we’re not prepared to deal with it.”

The National Review reported that Smith-Members is attempting to launch a recall against Johnson over the migrant crisis.

“There’s a division in our Democratic Party. It has weakened. It is going to get worse,” Smith-Members said. “The city of Chicago voters have woke up. The state of Illinois voters have woke up. And they’re not standing with our old leadership.”

She declared, “The immigration crisis is going to flip the state of Illinois purple.”

The mayor’s office didn’t immediately respond for comment. 

According to numbers reported by local ABC affiliate WLS, more than 35,000 migrants arrived in Chicago in the last year and a half.

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Comments (1)

  • Things swung way to far left across the Western world as FBI and intelligence services, billionairs and equivalents in all these countries help throw elections in favour of the left. And, just like a pendilum, everything will now swing to back to the right, but not too far I hope. Democrats need to understand that Trump is a fairly liberal conservative, regardless of what they say about him. His actions have all been plain common sense and that’s why he keeps being proved right.
    Problem is the liberal Democrat party has been taken over by Cultural Marxists who despise free market capitalism, faith, family, free speech, the US Constitution, two gender ideology, racial harmony, secure borders, law & order, etc.

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